What is Your Magnetic Force?

What’s Your “Thing?”

Businesses have a tendency to focus on their products or services rather than the benefits of having that product/service.  Make two lists side by side. On the first column, list your product(s) and service(s). On the other list, name the benefits of clients coming to you for this product(s) and/or service(s).  Why should they buy from you?

Social Media Marketing

In an attempt to draw attention to your business, prepare some graphics and list the benefits (really big) and post a picture or write the product(s)/service(s) and make it relevant. Ask yourself this question. Why would anyone want to deal with my business…. and put that answer.  Hopefully, you have more than one answer. do a mini-series of social media campaign and each week, focus on one of your answers. Post your graphic on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and whatever other social media tool that you might prefer.

Keep it real, light and fun!  Write about your company as a whole, not just the products and services. You can talk about the fun events and community efforts you might be involved with. This brings the bigger picture of who you are to the world and it adds the personal touch.

How’s Your Customer Service?

The author Jeanne Bliss asks relevant questions in her book “I Love You More Than My Dog.” She asks “What can you do to let customers know of your sincerity to serve them? What gesture can you offer that helps your customers and draws them to you?”  No matter what business you’re in, the element of relationship will always be one of the most important magnet for your business.

Make it a great day!

If you need help with your marketing or web-design, contact me helene@rainandcompany.com or visit my website http://www.rainandcompany.com

Till next time,



One comment

  1. Great reminder of staying customer focused!! I read this just as I was wrapping up a big presentation for later this week, so I am now making my list.

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